Prison: the facts
Facts and figures provide a better basis than opinion for policy and practice change. Drawn largely from government sources, these facts chart the extraordinary rise in prison numbers over the last twenty years, inflation in sentencing and the social and economic consequences of overuse of custody. They reveal the state of our overcrowded prisons and the state of people in them, the impact of deep budget cuts, the pace and scale of change in the justice system and the scope for community solutions to crime.
the Impact of the Justice system on BAME communities
About a week before I went to a talk (hosted by OULC) on the ‘Impact of the Justice System on BAME communities’, Rory Stewart confessed to smoking opium in Iran, the first time ‘opium’ and ‘Tory’ have been used in the same sentence since Britain was selling it to China. About a week after, Gove confessed to snorting coke, the only surprise being that it was about 20 years ago instead of when he was campaigning for Brexit. The guy he stabbed in the back after that campaign, Boris Johnson, admitted to trying it but sneezing it out about 10 years ago, finally topping Bill Clinton smoking ‘but not inhaling’ at Oxford. All these people are technically criminals, but you wouldn’t think so from the popular response. Both panellists at the OULC event, Michael Shiner and Huda Elmi, said with a lot of emphasis that our government doesn’t have anything consistent or effective enough to be called a drugs policy. Instead people who ‘look’ like criminals get targeted, regardless of their actual drug use. None of these politicians ‘look’ like criminals. So who does?
Sisters In Desistance: A Report of Findings and Community Solutions for Muslim Women in Prison
Khidmat Centres are two accessible, purpose built community centres in Bradford.
Our services are primarily for the vunerable members of our community.
Each centre also has additional facilities you can hire for your own uses.
Prison Reform Trust
The Prison Reform Trust (PRT) an independent UK charity working to create a just, humane and effective penal system.
PRT was founded in 1981 to inform and influence public debate on prison conditions and the treatment of prisoners, amidst concerns about a projected prison population of 48,000 by 1984. With the prison population in England and Wales now exceeding 82,000 and projected to rise to 86,400 by 2023, the charity remains as important to civic society today as it was then.
Young people in custody
This UK government report outlines the facts and figures of young people in custody in the UK.